
This program is for development and livelihood program is sponserd by NABARD in which poor marganilized women are mobilize to strengthen women for their livelihood program.

In this program we have given fracetarget 1200 SHG formation. This SHG formation from rural aera of Chanderi, Mugabli in which they were mobilized, formed,trained in the respective field as per suggested trade.

This program was not forced program, women were strengthen to increase their living standard.

Our Achievements

  • We have achieve 1200 SHG formation
  • We have linked around 150 SHG to bank.
  • We have trained all SHG out of which 80 SHG open Livelihood center and are running successfully.

Vswongo Empowering Communities, Transforming Lives. Together, we create lasting change through education, healthcare, women’s empowerment,

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