Farmer Producer Organization -(NABARD)

Under project Tribal Development Fund NABARD

In this fiscal year NABARD Bhopal awarded WADI projet to our organization we have given the target of 90 WADI project in this fiscal year of block silwani district raisen MP.In this project of WADI VSWO implemented WADI and the main plant for plantaion were Mango and guava as per climatic condition of block silwani as we all know right fronm selecteing of plant to plantation and after care of plant require patience and dedication. We have trained selected beneficiaries of WADI and given them the training of fter care of plant. In this project we have installed low cost drip irrigation with drum as water resource this schemes is successful and this is third quarter were plants are thriving in undulated barren land soil conservation , water conservation and other practices were adopted for successful WADI project

 when the trees are not fully grown the farmers grow various vegetables such as brinjals, tomatoes, chillies, beans, onion, garlic, etc. during the rainy season as well as the during the winter and summer seasons. This gives a substantial income to the farmers from the first year.

Under this project, NABARD provides a major support but also various existing schemes of government are converged with it. The beneficiaries also contribute a significant part of the cost in form of labour or in kind.

The implementing organizations provide technical and managerial guidance as and when needed. For the marketing of the agricultural and horticultural produces of the farmers, a Farmer Producer Organization is promoted which takes care of the marketing and related activities so that the farmers get the best price for their produces.

Because of the tree plantation and other measures for soil and water conservation, the water table in the villages increases and the croplands become more productive. Because of increased areas under vegetable cultivation, nutritional levels also increases among the WADI farmers as well as their neighbours. Due to WADI activities availability of fodder and fuel wood increase which reduces pressure on the government forest lands and also makes the life of women easier.

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